Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Working the Nose #1

All dogs needs to use their nose and mind to be satisfied. Some dogs more than others. Therefore I gonna write about different exercises to do with the dog for little or no money. I'm not sure how often I'll write, but on a regular basis. This time you only need a towel (or more) and the dogs food. Everyone got a towel in their home, that's not being used much or don't mind getting dirty. Instead of keeping the towel in the closet, use it for a nice workout for the dog. Isn't limited what you can make this into.

Spread the food on the towel and wrap it around. Fold it or make a knot or two on it. For a young and/or inexperienced dog, just wrapping and folding will be the best option to start with. Some dogs give up if they don't figure things out. Wouldn't take to many times before the dog master the basic skill. Here's one option to use. Beethoven's working on a two towel, there one of them is knotted two places. The first layer are wrapped that way so it doesn't get up too easily also. He's 6 months old, and have a lot of experience with nose work and puzzles.

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