Used on: 5,7 months old Shetland sheepdog puppy (Beethoven.)
What tool: Furminator deShedding tool (1,75" edge) long haired for small breeds.
My opinion: Really nicely formed tool, fits the hand well. Just about right weight for the job. I brushed through Mr B a little earlier on the day, since I didn't think the tool would come here so soon. However, the tool got a grip on all the loose hairs. I've never got so much loose hair on one grooming session ever. I didn't use the tool for a long period, probably just 2-3 minutes. Weighted the fur afterwards and it was 3 g. That's a lot for a little dog. He wasn't in a shedding period even. The puppy was sitting still the whole grooming session, he even seemed to enjoy it. I couldn't see any damage to the fur afterwards, and it looked like the same. I would definitely use the tool again, because this was a bless.
Rating: 5 out of 5. I don't see any fault with this one. Does it's job effectively and gently. I like the feature that what type of fur its written on the blade. Would be very useful for people with multiple dogs with different furs.
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