This case makes me sick to my stomach. Not brutal graphic, just a cute picture of a newborn kitty for those who worries about such things. It's really sickening what the human kind can do to such poor animals. Some experiments are acceptable, but when it's so meaningless and without good reasoning like this, it's just cruel and unnecessary. It can't be anything else than the money trail speaking. Not just the case itself, but also the fact that 33.51% find this research acceptable. What's wrong with people? How can anyone find this acceptable, that's my question. No wonder the world is the way it is. These poor kittens will never be able to live a normal life, and people are fine with it. A different research told that people care more about animals than other human beings, if so, we're domed.
What about the breeders of the kittens? Did they know what the poor kittens would be used for? If so, they could not really care much for the poor cats. As a former cat breeder myself, I would never get how someone would have given away their cats for such matter. These cases makes me wonder where the hell the morale are going. We hear about this stuff everyday, still it's okay and people pay with their taxes to do such things. Wake up, that's all I've to say. I know this isn't dog related, but I just had to write about this awful article, since I'm a animal lover of all types of animals.
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