Friday, 10 January 2014

2. weekend of 2014 training

Monday – The day off. Took him instead for a long walk in the forrest.

Tuesday – Morning training. Worked on something new, something old and something reput into our training. We was kind of bored with the old stuff, so we played around with a box. Learned him to step in the box and sit down in it. Beethoven loved it, was so much more fun than working on the same damn thing all the time. A short session of heel, took up the demands a little higher than usuall, and he stayed focused the whole time. Hold the contact very well. I think that's probably the best heel we've ever done togheter. Last but not least, dumbbell. Still little progress in it, but it's better than it used to. He has started to get the point with the dumbbell, but still not in favor of holding it or picking it up from the floor. Plenty more work to do with this one.

Wednesday – Hormones! Beet was in a purely bad stage in his development, so we didn't work for a long period of time. The demands were low today, just a second of sit were enough to get reward. I think it's good to step back from time to time, to keep the dog motivated. And also, when everything else is so interesting, it's nothing else you can do to make the dog master the skill, even though not the same way as before. Worked some on heel today as well. He did well in these circumstances. Ended the training while Beet was on top to make it more fun next time we're training. After the training session we took a short walk with some call in practice. All 4 times I called him, he came as fast as he could. Should mention these call ins were with distractions. Plenty of food/treats and play for such a good boy. Not sure yet if I gonna train him again tomorrow. Maybe I'll just take him to a new place to explore. If he is on top again tomorrow, I'll probably take a short training in the morning with dumbbell. If he's full of hormones, just a new envirement are enough. On the evening walk we trained some call-in again. Came every time.

Thursday – Environment training. Took the puppy to a center to let him get used to such surroundings. Was very confident and curious. Dealt with the change in a good way. Some contact exercises before going back home. I'll probably take him to the city soon, to make him comfortable also there. In the evening we took a short training with siting in the box. You can watch the training session here.

Friday – No training today. I was sick, so I couldn't function well enough to focus on working the dog. So we just walked some good walks in his favorite area. He was full of hormones today as well, so figured I wouldn't get well with him. He also help me with my work. Good dog.

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