Yesterday, I got so frustrated by Beethoven. He was stressing like hell. Biting a lot and almost teared my skin of my thigh while jumping on me. I know I'm the one to blame. Haven't really slept well after I got Beethoven in the house. I guess that leads to lack of judgment. He just got more and more stressed as I got more and more frustrated, so we just went in bad circles of destruction.
After the heat has cooled, I thought about returning Beethoven back, since I still has that option. He came to me and licked my palm, being that sweet dig that he most of the time is. No, I can't return him back. He's the best thing that has happen to me in years. He's just a little puppy, he doesn't know better yet. In a couple of months he's teething will pass and with training and care he'll be able to deal with stress in a non distraction way. I just have to be patient, just like anything else.
He's such a sweet dog and I love him so dearly. It's nice to wake up by a a little tongue and a waging tail. Even though it might be in the complete wrong hour. It's still lovely. Had to go out with him 5 times tonight between 11:30 and 7. I guess that's the part of owning a pup. Soon enough he'll grow into an reasonable adult, until than, just have to hang in there. Happy Saturday everyone, hope you have a good day with your furry pals.
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