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A question everyone is asking before getting a dog. A dog that's cute doesn't always fit your lifestyle. The choice should be well considered. What kind of breed fits me and my needs? It's a hard question, since it depends on a lot of factors. A dog should fit you to start with, and not you trying to fit your dog afterwards. Many dog owners choose a dog that's too active or demanding for their lifestyle. Of course you'll say that you'll get more active and do that and this, but often, that never ends up well. Start with a dog that's right about your activity level, and if you change and improve, the dog a lot of times manages to follow your lead. I feel devastated when I see an high active dog ending up with couch potatoes as owners. The dog gets frustrated because it doesn't get their needs, and behavior issues starts to occur. Sadly, often this ends in either adoption or to the vets office to get the shot. There are things to consider when choosing a breed. How much time do you have to train and walk your dog? Be honest. Some breeds are satisfied with just running around, others needs to use their brain to be happy. If you don't like playing mind games with your dog, but instead like jogging or running, a dog that just likes to run a good choice.
Do you have any plans to start sports events with your dog? Some dogs are more suitable for competitions, others you've to be a lucky guy to even get them to sit when being told to.
How about the coat? Can you handle long silky coat or do you have to have a dog with little demanding on fur treatment? Personally, I love working with fur, so I don't think I would be as happy with a coat that doesn't require regular grooming.
How do you plan to keep your dog? Indoors with the family
or out in the cold? Will the dog spend most of the day alone? Do you have any experience with training dogs previously? Do you have any other dogs? How do you like them when it comes to activity and will to learn?
Do you have any interest to go far with your dog? Is everyday obedience enough for you or do you want a dog that do what every you want as soon as you want?
When you have answered all this questions, you'll start to get a picture of what kind of dog you need to fill your home and heart. Ask breeders for advice if it's a new breed you're considering. All dogs should get a minimum of 1,5 hour activity and work a day. Over that there's categories. Keep in mind that some of the dogs in the high active list needs more brain work than others, and some of them are just satisfied with running around in the woods.
very high active dogs - Alaskan malamute, Alaskan husky,
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Dalmatian, Portuguese pointer, Perdiguero de burgos, Kooikerhond, Treeing walker coonhound, Sloughi, Schiller, Saluki, Porcelaine, Petit griffon de gascogne, Petit bleu de gascogne, Petit basset griffon vendeen, Niederlaufhunde, Otterhound, Lurcher, Irish wolfhound, Podenco ibicenco, Griffon fauve de bretagne, Griffon nivernais, Grand griffon vendeen, Grand blue de gascogne, Grand anglo-fracais, Grand basset griffon vendeen, Dunker, English coonhound, Drever, Scotish deer hound, Briquet griffon vendeen, Borzoi, Black and tan coonhound, Beagle Harrier, Beagle, Ariegeois, Azawakh, American foxhound, Anglo-francais de petite venerie, Afghan hound, Plummer terrier, Parson russell terrier, American eskimo, Border collie, Bouvier des ardennes, Catahoula leopard dog, Holland shepherd, German shepherd, New zealand huntaway, Polish owczarek nizinny, Pumi, Collie (long coated.), Shiloh shepherd, Collie (rough hair.), Tornjak, Azores cattle dog, Beauceron, Norwegian elkhound, Chinook, Bordeaux dogge, Lagotto romagnolo, New guineas singing dog, Norrbottenspets, Portuguese water dog, Pyreneer, Rottweiler, Shikoku, Siberian husky, Spanish waterdog, Thai ridgeback dog, Tibetan kyi apso, Tibetan mastiff, Tosa.
Middle to high active dogs - Wetterhoun, Shar pei, Shiba, Schipperke, Samojed, St bernhard, Russian European laika, Saarloos wolfhond, Rhodesian ridgeback, Poodle, Perro dogo allorquin, Norwegian lundhund, Landseeer, Leonberger, Keeshond, Hovawart, Kai, Grosser schweizer sennen, Grand danois, Riesenschnauzer, English mastiff, Serra da estrela, Eastern siberian laika, Dobermann, Czechoslovakian wolfhound, Chow chow, Carolinadog, Cane corso italiano, Canarian fighting dog, Bullmastiff, Kanaan, Broholmer, Fila brasileiro, Boxer, Russian black terrier, Berner sennen
Austrian pinscher, Australian cattledog, Australian kelpie, Argentinian dogge, Appenzeller sennen, American eskimo, Akita, Aidi, Akbash, White shepherd, Polski owczarek podhalanski, South russian ovtcharka, Shetland sheepdog, Schapendoes, Sarplaninac, Roanian mioritic shepherd dog, Romanian carpathian shepherd dog, Puli, Norwegian buhund, Mudi, Lancashire heeler, Maremma, Karst shepherd, Komondor, Entelbucher sennen, Central asian ovrcharka, Briard, Bouvier des flandres, Bergamasco,Groenendael, Malinois, Tevuer, Lakenois, Bearded collie, Australian shepherd, Welsh springer spaniel, Vorsteh, Weimaraner, Stabyhound, Sussex spaniel, Kleiner münsterländer, Braque st-germain, Nova scotia duck tolling retriver, Grosser münsterländer, Labrador retriever, Bracco italiano, Irish setter, Irish waterdog, Hungarian vizsla, Gordon setter, Golden retriever, Wachtel, Frence spaniel, Braque francais gascogne, Braque francais pyrenees, Field spaniel, Flat coated retriever, English setter, English springer spaniel,
Pointer, Drentsche patrijshond, Cocker spaniel, Curly coated retriever, Chesapeake bay retriever, Clumber spaniel, Breton, Blue picardie spaniel, Boykin spaniel, Braque de lariege, Barbet, American cocker spaniel, American water spaniel, Whippet, Jämt, Rampur greyhound, Podengo portugues, Faraodog, Italian spinone, Istarski, Hygenhond, Harrier, German bracke, Dachs, Artois, Etna, Polish hound, Blood hound, Basset hound, Basset bleu de gascogne, Basset fauve de bretagne, Basenji, Basset artesien normand, Fox terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, Welsh terrier, Irish soft-coated wheaten terrier, Skye terrier, Scotish terrier, Sealyham terrier, Patterdale terrier, Norfolk terrier, Norwich terrier, Manchester terrier, Miniature pinscher, Lakeland terrier, Lucas terrier, Kerry blue terrier, Irish glen of imaal terrier, Irish terrier,
German hunting terrier, Dandie dinmont terrier, Smoushond, Bull terrier, Border terrier, Bedlington terrier, American pit bull terrier, American staffordshire terrier, Airedale terrier, Kromfohrländer, Miniature australian shepherd.
Low to middle active dogs - Silky terrier, Bichon frise, Bolognese, Cavalier king charles spaniel, Chihuahua, Chinese crested, Coton de tulear, Frence bulldog, German spitz, Bichon havanais, Inca hairless, Italian hound, Japanese chin, King charles spaniel, Lhasa apso, Maltese, Mexican hairless, Papillon, Pekingeser,
Phalene, Pomeranian, Miniature poodle, Pug, Shih tzu, Tibetan terrier, Tibetan spaniel, Volpino italiano, Affenpincher, American toy terrier, Australian terrier, griffon bruxellois, Boston terrier, Brasilian terrier, cairn terrier, Cesky terrier, English toy terrier, Jack russel terrier, Russian toy terrier, West highland white terrier, Yorkshire terrier, Greyhound, Hungarian hound, Spanish galgo, Old english sheepdog, Welsh corgi, Bulldog, Eurasier, Neapolitan mastiff.
Remember all breeds need a regular run-out and mental activity. Also keep in mind there's individuals within the breed, some are more active than the standard. I'll try to write a profile for each breed, but it may take some time. Ask other dog owners about their advices and recommandations. Ask yourself if you can handle a puppy or if you want a shelter dog. Shelter dogs are a safe way to go, since you know what kind of a dog it became. With a puppy you never know, you just have to try to shape it into the right fit. There's always a dog that needs help. Do you have any favorite breed? Share and tell :)